Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Goddess of Abundance
Goddess AbundantiaGoddess Abundantia is the Roman Goddess of Abundance, Good Fortune and Success. Her name means "plenty" or "overflowing riches." She has also been called "the beautiful maiden of success."

Abundantia often carries a cornucopia, known as the horn of plenty. This cornucopia is symbolic of a funnel that continually outpours from the Universal Source, the infinite and all encompassing supply of abundance, good fortune, opportunities, success . . . continually outpouring all good things!

Abundantia is extremely wise in the ways of finance! If invited she will provide guidance toward investments, finance and business/venture planning. A powerful protectress of prosperity, if requested, Goddess Abundantia will safeguard our valuables, providing us with peace of mind by ensuring that which we deem to be valuable is secure and well protected.
As a show of your faith in Heaven's readiness to help you, hold one or more coins in the hand you don't write with (this is your receptive hand), and say:

"Beautiful Abundantia, I desire to be like you—carefree and filled with faith that my supply is already met in all ways. Help me replace any money worries with joy and gratitude. Help me open my arms so that Heaven may easily help me. Thank you for all of your guidance, gifts, and protection. I'm truly grateful, and I'm abundantly, joyful and fulfilled. I let go, and relax in the sure knowledge that I'm completely taken care of, immediately and in the future.

Try this prayer to ABUNDANTIA before you sleep, when you awake something will happen to remind you of your inner hope.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

First Meet Up.Com Outting !!!

I joined pennusula pagagns on meet . Tommorrow I am going to the living museum to meet up with atleast one member. I am excited this will be my first contanct with someone of like minds since moving here. It is a good combo since I love and enjoy viewing animals ...... Will post pics and notes when I come home !!!!
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All American Girl with a Touch of Darkness !

I am a proud Army wife and angel mommy to Jacob (08/21/08) R.I.P. my little prince. I am still new to craft and have alot to learn. I am very interested in Feary, Gypsy and Goth Magic. I love the paranormal and anything that goes bump in the night. I love horror films, vampires, warewolfs and ghost. I collect Faeries, Dragons. I am very created and make Goddess, Spirit and Feary Dolls .. Want to know more just message or follow me on my magickal journey !!!

Gypsy Dreaming !!!

Gypsy Horses !

My Goddess & Faery Dolls !

Sit back and listen to the music of my soul !!

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